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Let’s Hike, Brothers
浏览次数:1943次 更新时间:2018-06-26

Lets Hike, Brothers

   ——Inspired by the outdoor activity

Lets hike, brothers.

Using our feet to measure the ground

With a pack on our back

There are not burden

But shining memories of youth

Let's hike, brothers

Out passion is the best weapon

Strolling on the cliff

Singing on the mountain top

And forget all the unpleasant memory of life

Lets hike, brothers

We will never be alone

The sky is within our reach

And the cloud is beside our ear

Strange hikers will be pulled together.

Lets hike, brothers

Walking is not our aim

We want to hear the beautiful song of nature

We want to clear our soul in the wild

We want to release all the free energy of life

Lets hike, brothers

The fisherwomen at Jiuqu once said that

Life is a game

Living is winning, and money are just games

Health is the aim, and happy is the true meaning

Lets hike, brothers

Staying away from alcohol and Majiong

Giving up calculated mind

One bag, one crane, one mountain, one stream and one world

Not for fame or profit

But for ourselves

Let's hike, brothers!

(By Shuyu Xu. The media number: HKAPO-2047)

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