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Traversing Arctic Circle and Exploring Alaska on O
浏览次数:1655次 更新时间:2021-02-28

Li Yangyang(Cindy) was born after the 90s and stayed in British for five years. She majored in nutrition and loves backpacking. She had been to 25 countries alone. She is also fond of extreme sports, and she had participated in many activities such as the marathon, parachute, Bungee-jumping, bouldering, and glaciers hiking. In 2018, she returned to China and started her brand WE UNIQUE, which produces make-up and food, and a series of nutrition products that target Chinese womens nutrition was released. Since the COVID-19 outbreak at the end of 2019, Cindy had donated many products, total worth 2 million CNY, to the epidemic zone to help the medical personals improving their immune system. After traveling in many places, Alaska left the most profound impression.

Alaska is like a sacred place for many outdoor enthusiasts, and many people venture into the wildness of Alaska each year, and many had never returned. People say that Alaska is the last border of the world. During the winter in Alaska, animals migrate away or hibernate, and there was only the snow on the land and the never rising sun.



I arrived there in the afternoon, and when I was lingering by the airports exit, a strange man stopped me. He was wearing a bright yellow down jacket and approached me while speaking,do not be afraid” in English. He is a student here, and his name is Tony. He wanted to drive me to the hotel in exchange for fares. He realized that I was cautious, so he took out his student certification from his down jacket with sincere eyes. My instinct told me that he was not a bad person, so I nodded my head. He leaped for joy, and carried my luggage then sprinted to the car. He put the luggage in the back trunk of the car and slammed the door shut. His smile was bright and brightened my mood, as well.

The car was old, the door could not stay closed, and it opened three times before it was finally closed, but it was possible to open any minute. The road in Anchorage was narrow and a little slippery due to the snow. Tony was very active and introduced the scenery beside the road. After we entered the city, he stopped in front of a yard. As I wondered, a curious head showed up in the back yard, and it was deer! Tony told me that this deer had intense curiosity, and it had to take a peek whenever a car passed.

We arrived at the hotel nearly dark, and it is an old house on the suburb snow plaint. It was surrounded by deep snow, there were two dim lights hanged by the entrance, and I could vaguely see the floating dust in the air. The wooden door was heavy, and I tried to push the door twice before it finally opened. After entering, there was a burning furnace. Many stuffed animals such as the polar bear, antelope, deer, wolf, and yak stared at me with cold eyes. With a cracking sound, a door was open, and an older woman walked out slowly. She was wearing gray and purple linen clothes and covered in many layers; she also wore a kerchief covering half of her face, and the shadow made her wrinkles clearer. She handed me a copper key and said welcome” in a low voice, that broke the ice.


I left the following morning and headed toward Fairbanks. Walking in the snow with a bag on my back was more challenging than I thought. Many places’ snow was higher than my knees, so my legs were numb due to freeze. There were thick ices on places where the snow was shoveled, and I fell every two steps. I fell many times while moving forward, and I finally couldnt keep going. A red car parked beside me, and I climbed in the car without asking any questions. It took me a while to recover, and then I realized the driver was a Chinese girl who has long eyelashes. She smiled and asked, do you have a death wish?” This girl is Tina.


The temperature in the winter in Alaska is between minus 20 and minus 60 degrees. The car must have powers outdoor; otherwise, it could not start after a few hours. Many places in Alaska did not have a signal, so there must be a thick blanket in the car during winter. If the car had a problem and could not start, one could freeze to death in the wild under this extreme temperature without a blanket. If anything like this happens, the most efficient approach was jumping and running with all your powers until somebody came to the rescue.

I thought the movie more or less has exaggerated facts, but I realized that the movie was real once I came here. Alaska lacked food, mostly fruits and vegetables, and all the supplies were just enough to survive. Many of its food was sent from the downside, which  the other states in the United States. If they visit other states for fun, they would say, I am going to the downside.” It felt like they were going to descend from heaven.


Tina is an interesting girl with an obsession with aurora. She realized that Alaska was the place in her dream when she first came here on a touring trip, so she decided to marry into the place. We became acquainted very soon, and she told me that sometimes the day was only last for four hours long in winter, and living in the dark for a long time, people could easily catch a disease called Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as depression. When she was in school, her classmates speech theme was about the research on this disease, but after writing down SAD on the blackboard, the classmate of hers burst into tears and could not stop for five minutes. It turned out that her classmate had suffered this disease as well. There were rarely any people in this extremely cold zone. Their lives are simple without any entertainment activity because going out is not easy, so they easily get depressed. Because of the simple life here, Alaska had many post-rock bands.


One day morning, I asked Tina what the Arctic Circle looks like, and she said, lets go!Before I could react, she pulled me into the car. The trees are getting lower and lower on the way, and I thought we would drive to the Arctic Circle. But suddenly, she took a turn and parked in front of a small airplane which was small and could only take around ten people. Tina seemed to know the pilot very well. I put my backpack in the storage unit at the wing, and then I suddenly remember there was a bottle of drinking water in my bag. I asked the pilot Alan,will my water turn into ice cubes in this low temperature?” Alan laughed and said it would not. Alan was retired from the air force and could keep the plane really steady.


After in the air for an hour, I could sense the temperature was even lower when I left the plane, and my skin was feeling stingy due to coldness. I ignored my pain and ran excitingly. Tina took my backpack to me, covered my cold, red hand with gloves, and called me a crazy girl. The Arctic Circle was terrific, there were no tall buildings nor trees, and the sun was low. I could imagine a polar bear was sitting somewhere nearby and looking at the sky like me.


We stayed in the Arctic Circle for a night, and at 22 oclock, Tina knocked on my window. I opened my door and stepped out, a green light flew past the sky, and I thought I was hallucinating. But suddenly, the aurora started to shift quickly. The green aurora stretched across the starry sky and made the snow green. Shooting star crossed by occasionally, like a fairy who trespassed the stage and then fleeted with hands covering its face. Tina poked me with her finger and told me to make a wish. I closed my eyes in a hurry, but I could not stop peeking because the aurora made me so happy, and every moment was unrepeatable. I rolled in the snow and yelled, be happy every day to the starry sky.

Tina told me an elder couple waited for aurora four days in a role. The night before their departure, the elderly lady took a stool to sit beside the window and sat there the whole night. In the early morning, and when every presumes the aurora wouldnt show, the bright light shone in the sky. I could not imagine how happy she must have been, because maybe she never will have a second chance to fulfill her dreams. The cosmic experience in this extremely cold area gave me a new understanding of the starry wilderness in poems. The excitements will be in the memories and become a part of life.


The second day, Tina showed me the Arctic Circle sign, and I wrote a line, Cindy Has Crossed the Arctic Circle” on the borderline on the Arctic Circle.

I stayed in Alaska for nearly a month, and most natives here are Eskimos and Indians who were willful to share their ethnic stories. When they were telling stories, they would speak faster with their eyes shining brightly. They all wore handmade clothes, with sharpened animal teeth as the needle and tendons as threads. This land isnt good to farm, so they mostly eat meat, and they would make the animals they hunted into jerkies or froze them for a year,


There is an international sled dog race in Alaska every year. The dogs were not big but athletic and good at the long-distance race. During the competition, they could run 1,000 kilometers per day. How to arrange the sled dog team is difficult; some of the dogs are born leader materials, and some dogs have big tempers and need to be put next to the dogs they like.

Driving a snowmobile was fun, too; some ice cubes would hit you in your face sometimes. Once I forgot to wear a mask, I couldnt feel my ears in the end. When I reenter the room, Tina said surprisingly, Cindy, where are your ears?” I touched my ears anxiously, which made her laugh, and she said that I should stop; otherwise, they would really fall.

I read a line a long time ago that traveling is the only thing that enriches you. I think this line is too absolute, but what you get during travel is more than what the geographic magazine describes. I left at sunset, and the sky was pink, which made the low rimes in the distance pink as well. Everywhere I looked was picturesque. 

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