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浏览次数:1843次 更新时间:2017-09-04

Protector Yi Luo

Written by Yi Luo

  September 2016, after traveling around Europe for a month, I finally arrived at my holly land, Athens. To lovers of metaphysics and believers of Plato, Athens is as important as Jerusalem to the three religions.

  The philosophies which were born in Athens two thousand years ago made people idealized Athens. But the moment I step out of the rather modern subway station at the center of Athens, I felt so disappointed. Athens is famous because its long history and the former sits of gods. But the city is messy and smelly which woke me from my dream.



  The guide of a boy who said he is a Navy enlightened me. Right, I should go to the sea. Sea is the soul of Greece. Isn’t it? So I went to the west sea coast of Athens. The view of the harbor was still suffocating. I boarded a ferry to run away from the land very soon. Athens revealed her beauty until now just like the veil of the goddess was lifted by the sea wind. The real meaning of sea culture is to run away from the deadly gray land and run towards the free blue ocean.

  When I stepped on the ferry, the feeling of the world reversed. The temperament of the world fits the description of an islander who is a Hongkong magnate. He said that the arts of Greeks are as delight as the sky and the cloud. I landed an island an hour later. There was comfortable hotel everywhere on this island. It felt so comfortable just touring around the island, eating at a yard which had a pool and talking to foreign traveler. When I was told, there is a temple here which is the oldest and protected the best. It and the other temple and Parthenon formed the Athenian triangle. I suddenly had an idea and announced proudly that I would travel across this land by foot to the east coast and pay homage to the temple. People was astonished, the total length of this mountain road forth and back is over 40 kilometers long. It is too long, and no one could do this. They did not understand my unusual but wonderful idea and my sudden insistence. They blessed me with a pitiful look.



  Setting off! Hiking in a strange country and I was surrounded by mountains. There were barely any people on this island. It was very inspiring. Hiking always made my heart more clear. Meditating, forgetting, purifying my heart and cutting attachments while walking forward.

  After I had left the small town, there were no people and barely any car. It was easy to confuse this place as a no man’s zone without the small house which were scattered around the mountains. There were forests formed by pine trees and some ravens. It was a little bit scary, beautiful but scary. The drivers who passed by stared at me with curiosity. Finally, a blue car stopped in front of me. The male and female on the car invited me to join them. But I refused and said that I wanted to hike to the temple. They did not understand the connection. They left with gloom when I insisted on refusing. I was happier because of the goodness of people.

  I walked and walked. Suddenly, I felt surprised. There was ocean on the left. But the right side was still the mountain. I could see the temple was close. I was supposed to follow the main road, but I found a way made by flood which leads to the top of the mountain. I climbed the mountain with the courage of risk alone. I told myself that I should pay homage to the temple like the people in the ancient time. The road is steep, and I climbed carefully and alone. I finally saw a stone house behind the bushes and stones. The temple was already beside me.



  But I could not get in the temple. And she was surrounded by the wire fence. I could not pay homage to the temple. I could only look at it. There was a guard selling entrance ticket. I said I was there to pay homage to the gods. Temples were like church, how can temple sell tickets. The guard seems convinced by me, but there were nothing he can do. I did not want to enter the temple by breaking the rules. I was sad because of the temple was prisoned. The God had gone, what left in the world is only the shell of the god. I decided to sit on the outside of the temple for the whole night. The guard heard what I was about to do, he said in shock,‘no way, you will be frozen to death. It is freezing in the mountain at night.’ As it happened, a  firefighting truck parked on the front lawn and two people in uniform stepped out of the car. The guard left after he told me that they were forest rangers and blessed me.

  I always felt that when I determined to do something which I think it was important, there would be people help me in my whole life. Could the God send these two people to help me to accomplish my dream which was to stay with the temple? The sun was setting, and the temperature dropped as well. I walked toward the forest rangers and told them the reasons. Forest Ranger Enoch understood my idea and talked with me for a long time about religious life. I took him as my protector in my heart. I asked him to accompany me to walk around the temple once when the moon rises as a ritual. He accepted solemnly.

  Our ritual began at midnight. We walked one in the front and one in the back without talking in the dark. Enoch was loyal, and his flashlight lighted the path. We walked in the bushes and rocks with difficulties along the wire fence while prayed in our heart for the Greek Gods

  The forest ranger left at 5 a.m. and I sat in the darkest time before down alone. A bobcat passed by and turned to look to at me. It seemed like it was saying that you can set your mind at rest, we both are the protectors of the Gods. The mountain is quiet, and I was determined. I know I am Protector Yi Luo.

 After the morning pilgrimage, I kept thinking while standing on the outside of wire fence. China and Greece are both countries with the long history. Why China keeps rising while Greece had fallen. Foreign religions invaded China and Greece both. Why Chinese never forget pay homage to our ancestors and do not only take them as a business tool and topics of conversations? The reason why Greece is hollow and week nowadays is because they rely on the tour resources left by their ancestors and the domestic system criticized by their ancestors too much. Plato dreamed of being the king of philosophy, but Confucius is the uncrowned king in the end.

  The temple was pure and simple under the rising sun. I remembered the islander I met on the boat said that the Greek arts are as delightful as the sky and the cloud. I remembered the fine house on the island. I thought about the beautiful view of God educated innocent people. I was scared by my thoughts. Probably, a bright and happy city like Greece does not fit Christianity which is based on difficulties. Probably, Greek does not need a path to the heaven which is protected by thunder and the flame of hell. I kept thinking boldly, probably in the future, Greek can call back the Gods and set the temples free and worship their ancestors.

  I prayed to the Attia Temple under the rising sun. I hope Greece which is like a sapphire can shine purely again. And hope the ancient culture would bestow the land where it was born.




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