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If Clock Can Turn Backward, How Many Possibility D
浏览次数:1503次 更新时间:2019-07-12

——Night Market Life, Immersive Creative Exhibition

Jiang Lai——the curator of Night Market Life, the founder, and the founder and CEO of the Cruise Word PR Agency

Night Market Life, the immersive creative exhibition, is Hainans first original immersive creative exhibition IP that is planned and presented by Cruise Word PR Agency. The main line of this exhibition showed the lifeline from 0 to 30 years old. It showed different samples of various life stages though image, lighting effect, artistic installation, photos, words, immersive drama and other ways in 13 artistic booths and tried to trigger people to think about how many possibilities do they have in life. 


If you can cross time, do you want to see your future?—— To youngsters.

If time can freeze, do you want to stay where you are?—— To teenagers.

If time can go back, how old would you like to be?—— To elders.

There is a space where can satisfy your fantasy to travel through time.

In the legend, it hides among the noise of the night market. When night comes, lights turned on, the phantom of the galaxy shines on the old wall, fantastic life experience is about to begin...


The Inspiration of the Creation Came From the Birth of a Child

It felt like I have given birth to a child when I create this exhibition.

I became a mother when I was 30 years old, and this identity became the source of my inspiration.

I have a child this year, and I began to re-feel what love is. I want to hold him all the time, and when I hold him, I feel like I am holding the world. Every member of the family is around him, and when he cries, each of us is nervous. I have thought about how come a baby who has no strength can become the head of our family? When people bathed him before he was one-month-old, I observed that he tried so hard to lift his head and see the world beyond his bathtub although he could only support for a few minutes. There were curiosity and intensity in his eyes, and the original desire to discover the world was strong. Everything is hopeful in the unknown world.

  When he was one month old, we used his lanugo to create a painting which is five words, the hope of the village. We used to be the hope of our villages with unlimited potentiality, but now we have old and young at home, every days work has become stylized. We are already 30 years old, can we find more possibility in life? If the world we know is a larger bathtub, would do try your best to lift your head to see the world beyond?

  So I have this idea to create an exhibition. If the clock can turn backward, let us go back to phases of our life, look back what we have gained or lost, then can we find more possibility in life? It is going to be fun.


Turn Back Time and Train of Life Won the Most Popular Booths.

Night Market Lifes main line showed the lifeline from 0 to 30 years old. It set artistic scenes on lifes critical points( 0 years old/7 years old/13 years old/18 years old,/22 years old/25 years old/28 years old/30 years old) and showed specific life scenarios through light and shadow art, installation art, scene design art, improv, performance art, and other artistic means. No matter each generation you were born in and how old you are, you can see yourself in the past or the future in one of the scenes.

  In 13 days of exhibition, around 5,000 audiences entered the show. To guarantee the experience of the viewers, we limited the flow during rush hour, let them enter the exhibition area in groups of ten people. During the entire exhibition, over 3,800 people joined the field survey, 64% of audiences are women who are the most powerful consumers, and over 22.7% of audiences liked Turn Back Time and Train of Life booths.


An Entertainment IP for Families to Enjoy Together.

According to our statistics, our audiences covered every age; most of them left messages to Night Market Life.

  A seven years old child told his mother,  I feel like dreaming in here. His mother said,  in his limited life, it is hard for him to imagine the life he is going to face such as the flutter of first-love, the complex feeling of applying for college, the nervousness of interview and so on. The scenarised design let people immersed in it. It is like a dream for him.

  A college student who is going to graduate left a message and he said,  I am 22 years old. I have four choices, start-up a company, find a job, take part in civil servant exam, or study abroad. These four choices is a crossroad. Today in the 22 years old space, I have experienced what will I face if I choose each one of the four choices. I have found choices in my heart.

  An elder couple who seemed was over sixty years old advised our staff,  why time started to go back when we enter 30 years old? We think life just starts in 30 and we hope this exhibition can reach 70 years old, let those young people feel what life looks like when they are old. If one day someone goes to their grave, what epitaph do they want to have?


Going Forward While Looking Back

  The road of life is going forward while looking back, arrange an exhibition is the same. Night Market Life is the first one to combine immersive exhibition with the local culture. It connected regional custom with the storyline of the creative exhibition tightly, touched the audiences with localized art and caused emotional resonance. We chose a popular site online instead of a gallery, we arranged the exhibition without damaging the original look of the scenic spot. In a certain level, we drove the development of the local tourism and also activated the creative cultural industry here.

  We hope we can go to more cities and let people see their life while touring the night market. The night market contains civilian life, and it is the most vivid epitome of modern peoples fast-speed-life. They can only rest in the night after being busy during the daytime, and meet a phantasmagoria of life which travels through time. I think this belongs to the way how a city thinks about life, and there is no judgment, just making fun slightly. There is a corner in each citys forest which is built by steels and cement, can let us hear our inner voices and hope we can guard the baby in our hearts.


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